Friday, December 20, 2013

A new fad for runners is barefoot running, or better known as minimalist running. I my self am a "minimalist" and I believe that it does help. it supposedly prevents chronic injury in the future. I would highly recommend this, from experience as a cross country runner. at first yes it will hurt, but after 1 or 2 weeks shin splints and calf soreness will fade. for this, shoe wise (if you don't want to go straight into running with no shoes) i recommend the Merrell Trail gloves. i personally use these, and i love them, i have never had a better running shoes. with minimalist running my form actually improved on its own. this is because when you begin running "minimal" after a while if you don't run with proper form it begins to hurt. you're form will improve, and trust me, you will get loads better, whether you are just an active runner or you run competitively.

I would suggest when transitioning into minimalist running, you start soft, maybe wearing minimal or no shoes every once and a while. this is only to allow your feet to get used to slamming on the ground so hard. but it won't last long. highly recommended for long distance runners.

Here's the link to Merrell's website, for the shoes:

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