It's 5 a.m. and sadly, you have to wake up for morning practice. The dreaded morning practice. Every swimmer feels this pain. It seems, though, some people don't realize that when they're waking up many swimmers have already been in a pool for an hour. People underestimate the ability and work it takes to actually wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning for 10,000,000,000,000,000th time to get back into the pool for the 20,000,000,000,000,000th time. ROUGH.
Though we all fear even the idea of morning practice, it may actually have it's benefits.Yes, I said it. Though I am completely against getting up any earlier than I have to, i will have to agree on some of the facts.
When you exercise your body releases endorphins. These endorphins give you a sort of high that actually makes you feel really good, which is where the term "runners high" comes from. When you release these endorphins into your body earlier in the morning, your body wakes up so to speak. Your brain becomes more aware and you become more attentive to the things around you.
BUT, don't think that just by waking up earlier you will be able to be more aware. You still need sleep. be sure to maybe go to bed a little earlier than usual when you plan to have a morning workout, and let's say not to try to go right into waking up an hour before you usually do. Let your body get used to it, try waking up maybe 20 minutes earlier, or even a half an hour.
Just remember that sleep is still very important! You can actually die from this! I'm being serious!
Look at these reasons to actually take part in morning workouts from Huffington Post:
Even check out this video of the benefits of workouts, it's a little lengthy, but he might persuade you to make a change in your life.
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