Monday, March 3, 2014


Sad to say, swimming is over. but this doesn't mean that being fit is over. for all of you runners out there it's your time to shine. Track starts soon and hopefully the sun will shine soon too.

Whether it's track or you're just trying to stay in shape for the off season, one thing that helps everyone is CORE. It's basic, easy to do, and obviously no body hates having a six-pack.

CORE is a very misused term. people think of it as just your abdominal area. They're wrong. The core of your body consists of the entire middle region of your body. This includes your abs, obliques, and all the muscles that form your lower back and connect to the spine. The importance of core training is definitely more that just a six pack. The entire core is made up of three entire parts: the upper abs, the side muscles known as obliques, and the inner muscles known as the Rectus abdominis.
Working on your entire core area can improve balance and stability because muscles connect to the legs that allow us to walk, squat, sit, all of that kind of stuff. So if you think about it, the core is probably the most important part of your body when it comes to form, control, and balance.

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