Monday, February 3, 2014

Dive into ice baths

After working out all of your muscles are tired and sore. This can lead to many problems and to you not workout the next day. How can you avoid soreness, injury, and the inability to workout?

The simple answer is ice baths. Taking ice baths may seem freezing and uninviting, but after taking one you'll feel much better. You won't be as sore and you'll be able to workout day after day after day.

As you exercise you build up lactic acid. This acid makes you sore and not want to move. Taking a 10 minute ice bath reduces the swelling in your muscles while flushing the lactic acid out of your body. After you get out of the ice bath your blood vessels warm back up with oxygen rich blood and repairs your muscles.

To take an ice bath you'll need ice, cold water, and a tub. Fill your tub halfway with cold water and then pour the ice into the water. Get into the tub and sit down. It will be very cold at first, but you'll get used to it. Stay in for 10-20 minutes, but never over 20. Then, get out of the tub and get dressed. Your body will begin to warm-up after you get dressed and your body will start to feel refreshed and healthy.

Doing this routine after every time you workout will help repair your muscles. It'll make you feel better and not fear working out because of soreness.

Much of the information in this post I got from the website

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